Friday, June 20, 2014

'ADMIRABLE IS THE NAME OF GOD' <--- Jesus sed to me you'll get many blessings when you say it many times per day for the sin of blasphemy. the Warning is coming soon!! Let's be weady for Jesus and, thank God, I'll get a normal-speaking-ability, though I really don't think this inability to say R is so bad seeing as we'll be dead soon. Do you know of anyone who's lived before 1899? Thot not. Howsabout the Pilgrims and their cool Blunderbuss? Boy, that's a play-on-words (ad/mir/able: A.D. = Christ; MIR = the Yugoslavian word for 'peace'; and ABLE = do the deed, dudes) Bien faire et laisser dire: la foi transporte les montangnes! (French: do right and fear no man: faith moves mountains!) Why did the universe evolve with only the earth revolving around the Son, the GiverOfAll? Why do we have day/night to do/reflect? God is THAT fire as those wacky saints have sed: turning away from God is to NOT have the fire, becoming horizontally ignorant and cold "It is impossible that anyone should not receive ALL that he has believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when men hope great things from Me and I will always give you more than you expect" -Jesus to Saint Gertrude Seventh-Heaven is to love, love, love eternally: to give'm a soft, delicious back-rub with oil under a whirrring fan with palm trees whispering in the shade. Nthn else... unless you want mo, and I certainly can provide mo. Even though you may consider yourself ugly on earth, you'll be utterly gorgeous in Heaven. So, look-up for everything - even thots God has secretly planned just for you (doesn't matter if I'm head injured: break-free of this world and literally grow-up; I invite you to travel along the dark, thorny path which is ending). God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL (PS [Latin:] if 'caput' is head + 'mortuum' is dead = this earth is a broken record)
Jesus, I trust in You
Better git Christ's P/R

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